Twitter Q&A thanks to Il Divo official Twitter, 14th June 2012
Il Divo @ildivoofficial
TTFN...(ta ta for now) < :-D
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
although i think i prefer the videochats myself...what do you think?
Il Divo @ildivoofficial
have a great rest of the day/week/month/year/life. you all deserve that...and i hope we set one of these up again soon...
Il Divo @ildivoofficial
thank you for all your questions...they are always thought provoking and help me to look at life from a different perspective...
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
ok...well i have already gone 10 min overtime. lol. this has been really fun. i wish i had the time to respond to everything...but alas...
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
@InMichaelsHeart heal the world.
Jackson Joy Jackson Joy @InMichaelsHeart
@ildivoofficial HI!What is your favourite Michal Jackson song?? #ASKIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @cndWL find and release addictions that have a negative impact instead
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @cndWL why would you want to stop an addiction to something that lifts your spirit and raises your energy and positivity?
Cindy @cndWL
@ildivoofficial Can't stop listening to "I Believe in You" since last week. Any tips to help me to stop being too addicted? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @InMichaelsHeart i do like drawing but i have not done any since starting the tour in jan. i am working on videos of the tour atm.
Jackson Joy Jackson Joy @InMichaelsHeart
@ildivoofficial do you like drawing???? #askildivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @InMichaelsHeart but happy birthday to everyone who has a birthday today...and to anyone who has ever had a birthday..celebrate yourself!
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @InMichaelsHeart in the same way i cant do country shoutouts, i cant really do birthday shoutouts because if i do 1 i have to do them all
Jackson Joy @InMichaelsHeart
@ildivoofficial HIMy birthday is tomorrow!!PLEASE WISH ME SOMETHING!LOVE YOU #ASKIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @Josymaar i do have facebook. but that is reserved for friends and family. twitter is my public social media outlet.
Josymar Wanderlinder Josymar Wanderlinder @Josymaar
@ildivoofficial Why do you not have Facebook?? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @juuchoa_ ...something else i suppose. cant say...still a singer. :)
Júlia Vilaça Júlia Vilaça @juuchoa_
@ildivoofficial You have one of the most beautiful voices of the world! But, if you were not a singer, what would you be? s2 #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @SabKeyes usually 1 each, unless we have to pick up stuff to accomodate different weather systems...then might be 2 for a while
Sabine Kern Sabine Kern @SabKeyes
@ildivoofficial How many suitcases has each of you on tour? ;-) #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @beilag ...the best place to relax is inside. meditation can relax you wherever you are.
Olguisha Olguisha @beilag
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @TaeSushi ...that is the agents' job. and they pick cities based on alot of reasons when they book our tours.
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @TaeSushi believe me. we would like to go everywhere but its not always possible...and we dont decide the cities that we tour.
Tae Sushipaul Ch Tae Sushipaul Ch @TaeSushi
@ildivoofficial I know you're fed up with the question like this but I really want to know When will you come to Thailand? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @Pollyana2184 ...maybe ;)
Pollyana Batista Pollyana Batista @Pollyana2184
@ildivoofficial Il Divo would sing a song of Elvis Presley. Waht do you think?! #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @Diva24h ...if i say hi to brazil then i have to say hi to every single country and that will take a long i say "hello everyone"
Josiane Rodrigues Josiane Rodrigues @Diva24h
@ildivoofficial Say Hello for Brasil? we exist to :( #AskIlDivo we love Il Divo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @nygal33 im definitely the biggest (tallest).
Sue D Sue D @nygal33
@ildivoofficial Who is the biggest comedian in the group?#AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @TaeSushi .once upon a time (age 7) i wanted to be han solo.then darth vader.then luke.then i think im more like younger obi wan
Tae Sushipaul Ch Tae Sushipaul Ch @TaeSushi
@ildivoofficial If you were in Star Wars, Who would you be? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @GabrielEHR ..."the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." FDR
Gabriel Hung Reyes Gabriel Hung Reyes @GabrielEHR
@ildivoofficial What do you fear the most? #askildivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @dtorini we do like soccer...but none of us are really avid fans. except seb when france went to the world cup in 2006...
D Torini D Torini @dtorini
@ildivoofficial can't believe you're having this tweet-chat in the midst of a #EURO2012 match. :P Any of you guys love soccer? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @karlaidthmj i try not to play favorites.but seriously each song has a different emotion and i like the variety more than any one feeling
Karla del Castillo Karla del Castillo @karlaidthmj
@ildivoofficial whats your favorite song of the tour!??? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @Kimi_Tc ...favorite musical i think is Avenue Q. sex and puppets, what more can you ask? (i honestly was laughing so hard i was crying)
Kimberlly Téllez Kimberlly Téllez @Kimi_Tc
@ildivoofficial #AskIlDivo Hey David.. Do you like musicals?? If you do, which is your favorite?
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @BianPach ...lots of practice. #jokingbutnotreallybecausewedopracticealot
Bianca Pacheco Bianca Pacheco @BianPach
@ildivoofficial how are you four so amazing? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @HollieJBarr pranking per se...but we are all mischievious. lots of silly behaviour and trying to make each other laugh.
Hollie-Jane Barr Hollie-Jane Barr @HollieJBarr
@ildivoofficial Hey :) who is the most mischeavious while on tour? Do you compete, doing pranks etc? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @BianPach...if its just for fun just keep doing it. if you want to perform in front of people, i suggest seeking out a voice teacher.
Bianca Pacheco Bianca Pacheco @BianPach
@ildivoofficial do you have any tip or advice for people who like to sing? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @SabKeyes staying grounded.
Sabine Kern Sabine Kern @SabKeyes
@ildivoofficial How can you avoid to get spoiled by fame, money and pretty women? ;-) #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @MariaVIamartino Florida.
Maria V. Iamartino D Maria V. Iamartino D @MariaVIamartino
@ildivoofficial Where are Carlos, Sebastien and Urs?? LOL #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @Whetne_Mariana i would say the biggest difference is that more individuality and personality is showing up.
Whetne Mariana Testa Whetne Mariana Testa @Whetne_Mariana
@ildivoofficial what has been the biggest difference between the 2009 tour and this? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @SabKeyes ...i cant even if i wanted to. #shiny
Sabine Kern Sabine Kern @SabKeyes
@ildivoofficial If Sarah wants you to let grow a beard - would you do it? :-) #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @star_fire_wolf ...i wish. but at the :(
Becky Hatfield Becky Hatfield @star_fire_wolf
@ildivoofficial- any chance for some Christmas shows on the west coast of USA #AskILDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @karlaidthmj ...yes.
Karla del Castillo Karla del Castillo @karlaidthmj
@ildivoofficial do you like Mexican food? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @MariaVIamartino ...nothing. what do i WANT in this life? now thats a different question.
Maria V. Iamartino D Maria V. Iamartino D @MariaVIamartino
@ildivoofficial What you need to do in this life? :)) #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @SabKeyes requests. wish? i wish for all persons everywhere (fans included) to find the happiness which we all seek
Sabine Kern Sabine Kern @SabKeyes
@ildivoofficial Do you have a certain request or wish to the fans? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @anayansi_MSA28, its not easy. but we plan ahead and try to make segments of the tour coincide with spending time with our loved ones
Anayansi Santamaría Anayansi Santamaría @anayansi_MSA28
#AskIlDivo how you manage your schedule of concerts and your family??? @divodavidmiller @ildivoofficial
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @harukaze331 ...i dont know my blood type. i guess maybe i should...
chiharu chiharu @harukaze331
@ildivoofficial Japanese like a blood type fortune-telling,and... what is your blood type? I want to know it! #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @TheRevHev ...originally it was a glass of champagne, but then it changed to roses in Japan if i remember correctly. (tour manager idea)
Heather Cooke Heather Cooke @TheRevHev
@ildivoofficial Thank you for all the red roses you've given me this year. ; Whose idea was it to have those at M&Gs? Inspired! #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @harukaze331 ...we use alot of joking and humor to diffuse any tension. also our love of music bonds us beyond arguments.
chiharu chiharu @harukaze331
@ildivoofficial Does your couple sometimes quarrel? What is the tip to keep a good relation ? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @tmrlptsr ...thank you!!!
Tamara Criss-Colfer☺ Tamara Criss-Colfer☺ @tmrlptsr
@ildivoofficial Il Divo is amazing. Outstanding. Beyond. And.............well, that's not a question. Lol. Just letting you know. #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @kevjen113 ...falling on my rear in Japan. theres a video of it on
Jennifer Perez Jennifer Perez @kevjen113
@ildivoofficial #AskIlDivo What´s your favorite moment or funny moment on stage?
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @vtChristina ...i had my first piano lesson at 5. seb is self taught. carlos has been performing since he was 6...and urs played violin
Christina Christina @vtChristina
How young did David, Sebastian, Carlos, Urs start singing, piano or music lessons? @DivoDavidMiller @carlosmarin_ @ildivoofficial #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @doinaanca long as they are willing to sing our rep (because opera is too opera for our style) we would love to collaborate.
Doina Anca Doina Anca @doinaanca
@ildivoofficial Would you like to collaborate with a female opera singer or would that be "too opera" for Il Divo? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @BachEganWL ...i started out liking music theater (phantom, les mis) in high school and developed a love for opera after that.
Bach Egan Bach Egan @BachEganWL
@ildivoofficial when did u find out that you've got the opera voice? #askildivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @MelanconiaID ...believe them. believe with all your heart... :)
Nathalie Philips Nathalie Philips @MelanconiaID
@ildivoofficial My 2ndone; I heard rumors about that thereis coming a new album. Should I believe them ?? *twinkle eyes* x #ASKILDIVO
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi, @ildivobrasil I love to try the authentic cuisines in every country we go to. so many different dishes..not enough room to say them all
Il Divo Brasil Il Divo Brasil @ildivobrasil
@ildivoofficial What did you eat the most different in your visits to all these countries around the world? How was the taste? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi, present there are no plans for one. they are very expensive and we would rather focus on the music.
Jeanette C. Garcia Jeanette C. Garcia @x0jeanie0x
@ildivoofficial Besides Mama & Regresa a Mi, can we expect any other 'music videos'? #askildivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi, @MariaVIamartino ...yes we love South America.
Maria V. Iamartino D Maria V. Iamartino D @MariaVIamartino
@ildivoofficial Do you like to come to South America??? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi, @MariaVIamartino ...yes. about what, i have no idea...
Maria V. Iamartino D Maria V. Iamartino D @MariaVIamartino
@ildivoofficial Would you like to write a book??? #AskIlDivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi @x0jeanie0x , i would love to have collaborated with maestro Pavarotti.
Jeanette C. Garcia Jeanette C. Garcia @x0jeanie0x
@ildivoofficial Who would il Divo like to collaborate with past or present? #holograms #askildivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
hi, @kevjen113 my favorite place ever is NYC.
Jennifer Perez Jennifer Perez @kevjen113
@ildivoofficial #AskIlDivo hello David!! Kisses from Panama! What´s your favorite place ever?
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
here we go...
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
I'm going to try to answer as many questions as I can...but looking at this list it will be impossible to answer them! #askildivo
Il Divo Il Divo @ildivoofficial
Hi everyone. its David. about to start this twitter Q and A party in 5 min...
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